5 Tips for the Winter Season
The IPU has put together these 5 Top Tips for the Winter season
Get the Flu Vaccine from your local pharmacist. This prevents getting the flu, which has severe symptoms and can last up to two weeks.
Wash your hands regularly to eliminate the spread of germs. Use warm water and soap and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Rinse well and dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel.
Getting adequate sleep, good nutrition and physical exercise can help ensure your immune system is in good condition and ready to fight infection if it occurs. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle maintains a healthy immune system.
People experiencing stress tend to have weakened immune systems and are more likely to catch a cold. Try and keep calm, factor in relaxation time and don’t let the Christmas preparations get on top of you.
The common cold and sore throats are generally caused by viruses and will ultimately clear up on their own; antibiotics are not effective against them. Your local pharmacist can advise on appropriate medications to relieve your symptoms.
For further advice, ask Your Pharmacist First
7 Tips for Hay fever Season
Pinpoint Your Allergy. The first step in controlling hay fever is to find out what you are allergic to. Maybe you know, from years of hay fever symptoms, that it’s tree or grass pollen in the spring, or ragweed in the autumn.
Pay Attention to Pollen Counts in Your Area. There’s now a nationwide network that collects and broadcasts pollen and mould counts—important information for people affected by these common allergens. Counts may be described as “absent,” “low,” “moderate,” “high,” or “very high,” and often are provided in weather forecasts.
When pollen counts are high, people with severe hay fever symptoms should stay indoors as much as possible especially between 5 and 10 in the morning, when pollens are most prevalent. If possible, use an air conditioner, and keep the filters clean to avoid blowing allergens around. Avoid contact with pets that have been outdoors they can carry pollen inside.
When You Do Go Outdoors, Shower After. If you have hay fever triggered by outdoor allergens, it’s important to shower and wash your hair after spending time outside when the pollen count is high—especially before going to bed. Showering helps remove pollen from your skin and hair and can help prevent a night time allergy attack.
Avoid Smoke and Other Irritants. Some, sprays, fresh paint, and other households chemicals can worsen symptoms of hay fever for many people. If you have allergies, it may be helpful to avoid exposure to these pollutants.
Take Steps to “Allergy-Proof” Your Home. There are many ways to limit allergens inside the house. Keep windows closed when pollen/mold counts are high. Remove some or all carpets and unnecessary furnishings like throw pillows. Use synthetic pillows and encase mattresses in allergy-free covers. Wash clothing often. Keep pets out of bedrooms.
If it’s not possible to avoid your allergy triggers, over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications may be helpful. We at Hollands Pharmacy would be delighted to discuss all available options including nasal sprays, liquids, tablets and eye drops.