Unused Medicines:

What is DUMP?

Our Disposal of Unused Medicines Properly (DUMP) service allows you to clear out your home or workplace of unused and out of date medicines in a safe manner by handing them into us so we can dispose of them.

Should I DUMP?

By reducing the amount of out of date and unwanted medicines in your home you can reduce the chance of:

  • accidental poisoning (particularly of infants and children
  • overdose suicide attempts
  • inappropriate sharing of medicines.

Why Not Throw My Unwanted Medicines in the Bin?

Medicines are an important part of treating many illnesses and conditions, however when they are no longer needed it is important to dispose of them properly to avoid harm to others. Some medicines if not disposed of safely can have a harmful effect on our environment and health. That is why we offer to dispose of them for you for free.